‘The Cossacs (animation series)’
This series recounts the adventures of three Ukrainian Cossacks who travel around the world and meet people from different countries and epochs, as well as gods and even extra-terrestrials. Created by Volodymyr Dakhno and produced by Kyiv Science Films (today known as Ukranimafilm), the original series premiered in 1967 and ran for nearly 30 years. The three main characters are immediately recognisable: Hrai, the chieftain, is the straight leading man who comes up with all the clever plans. Diminutive Oko can be identified by his trailing moustache, comedic feistiness, and impulsivity. Tur is a brawny strong man with a sensitive and intuitive side. Viewers are won over by the show’s joyful, whimsical mood, and the characters’ innocence and sincerity. As in many vintage cartoons, there is no dialogue; instead, the visuals are accompanied by spirited music and sound effects.
How the Cossacks Were Cooking Kulish
August 02, 1967
How the Cossacks Played Football
June 02, 1970
How the Cossacks Bought Salt
May 05, 1975
How the Cossacks Rescued Brides
January 01, 1973
How the Cossacks Became Olympians
July 20, 1978
How the Cossacks Celebrated Wedding
July 03, 1984
How the Cossacks Helped Musketeers
October 10, 1979
How the Cossacks Played Hockey
July 26, 1995
How the Cossacks Met Aliens
October 24, 1987