Jane Doe Collection
Jane Doe is the name of a series of nine made-for-television mystery films released by the Hallmark Channel between 2005 and 2008. In the series, created by Dean Hargrove, Lea Thompson stars as Cathy Davis, a soccer mom who is secretly Jane Doe, an agent for the federal "Central Security Agency". The films focus on her efforts to keep her lives separate while solving mysteries.
Jane Doe: Vanishing Act
January 21, 2005
Jane Doe: Now You See It, Now You Don't
February 18, 2005
Jane Doe: Til Death Do Us Part
March 11, 2005
Jane Doe: The Wrong Face
June 19, 2005
Jane Doe: Yes, I Remember It Well
January 14, 2006
Jane Doe: The Harder They Fall
March 04, 2006
Jane Doe: Ties That Bind
March 17, 2007
Jane Doe: How to Fire Your Boss
May 09, 2007
Jane Doe: Eye of the Beholder
January 12, 2008