Senario Collection
Senario is a Malaysian sketch comedy troupe responsible for their titular show (also called Senario) that had aired on TV3 from June 1996 to 2013, in which due to its popularity has also spawned a franchise of comedy films featuring its cast.
Senario The Movie
May 14, 1999
Senario Lagi
May 23, 2000
Lagi Lagi Senario
December 11, 2001
Senario Lang Buana
December 04, 2003
Senario XX
May 19, 2005
Senario Pemburu Emas Yamashita
May 18, 2006
Senario The Movie: Episode 1
October 01, 2008
Senario The Movie Episode 2: Beach Boys
November 19, 2009
Senario Asam Garam
September 09, 2010
Senario The Movie: Ops Pocot
July 21, 2011
Sejenis Raya Senariounion
May 08, 2022