Follows the true-life story of Cuban exile turned social advocate, Alina Fernandez, whose birth was the result of the tryst between Revuelta and Castro. Revuelta sacrificed her and her physician husband’s personal belongings and finances to help fund the start of the communist revolution.
Release Date: Invalid Date
September 05, 2008
September 03, 2005
September 03, 2000
January 27, 2002
Invalid Date
January 02, 2007
November 23, 2001
Invalid Date
January 01, 1961
January 13, 2017
February 14, 2003
January 11, 2021
June 04, 1963
April 14, 2004
October 22, 2015
January 01, 1999
January 01, 1993
November 27, 1928
January 01, 1984
February 02, 1992