Peasant children Mytyl and Tyltyl are led on a magical quest for the fabulous Blue Bird of Happiness by the fairy Berylune. On their journey, they're accompanied by the anthropomorphized presences of a Dog, a Cat, Light, Fire, and Bread, among other entities.
Release Date: April 30, 1976
April 10, 2009
January 01, 1994
July 16, 2025
May 15, 1934
June 29, 2001
June 02, 1995
November 13, 1940
Invalid Date
January 14, 1981
December 14, 1984
April 26, 1954
May 18, 2001
May 19, 2004
November 25, 1992
May 18, 2001
August 22, 1963
September 01, 2020
March 01, 2006
November 07, 2007
October 18, 1967