Joseph Sheridan le Fanu's tale, "Inn at the Flying Dragon," brings dark fantasy, ghostly apparitions, and mysteries to the TV screen. It's part of his well-known collection, "The Dark Mirror," published a century ago, yet still captivating readers today. Bohumila Zelenková drew inspiration from this novella, not just for its mysterious and romantic elements but also for the characters' intriguing portrayal of the post-Napoleon era—a time when many sought greatness, even if it meant embracing deception.
Release Date: April 19, 1972
August 26, 1950
October 11, 2000
September 16, 1932
January 01, 1934
February 12, 1932
January 01, 1967
April 12, 1971
July 23, 1989
March 05, 1992
December 25, 2003
September 29, 1972
October 24, 1979
March 11, 1960
June 17, 2022
January 12, 1996
May 23, 1951
March 09, 1984
August 14, 2015
April 06, 2006
January 01, 1964