Rose and Michael, a young couple, fall in love while they run from their past as a devastating asteroid threatens to wipe out life on Earth. Seeking meaning and thrills in their last days alive, they embark on a cross-country road trip. Along the way they encounter other lost souls, each with their own unique perspective on the impending doom.
Release Date: Invalid Date
November 20, 1983
December 10, 2008
June 08, 2023
September 19, 2014
October 04, 1991
February 19, 2023
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August 28, 2016
December 26, 2020
December 16, 1959
December 21, 2016
November 01, 1961
July 19, 1997
May 19, 1988
March 26, 1969
June 07, 2014
December 02, 2022
July 24, 1978
October 23, 1998
January 18, 2014