The film tells the story of Luiz Antônio, a clumsy radio host, who unexpectedly finds himself in charge of a bankrupt radio station. Relying only on his passion for rock'n'roll and a crazy team, he creates one of the most emblematic radio stations in the history of Brazilian rock, Fluminense FM. Among guitar solos and radio signal interferences, we follow the adventures misadventures of Luiz.
Release Date: April 25, 2024
September 16, 2020
December 31, 2023
January 01, 1986
February 07, 2017
October 10, 1997
February 17, 2006
September 09, 2016
December 22, 1995
February 08, 1991
September 14, 2018
July 10, 1969
August 02, 2018
January 21, 1995
August 14, 1998
August 30, 2002
July 03, 2002
September 17, 2002
December 17, 1964
August 14, 1967
November 22, 1995