The tragic story of Gonza, a handsome ladies man, set in the Tokagawa Period, a time in which appearences are very important. Gonza competes with Bannojō for the honor to perform the tea ceremony to celebrate the birth of an heir to the lord of their clan. To see the sacred tea scrolls Gonza promises to marry the daughter of the family which possesses them, even though he is unofficially engaged to another. When studying the scrolls with Osai, the mother of the house, Bannojō sneaks into the house and steals their obis and runs through the town proclaiming the two as adulterers.
Release Date: January 15, 1986
August 29, 1958
September 19, 1984
November 12, 1998
September 06, 2003
July 28, 1929
August 26, 1950
June 15, 1954
December 13, 1966
March 11, 2019
November 12, 2021
October 05, 1972
August 20, 1992
December 19, 1990
April 17, 1989
December 26, 1971
October 12, 2007
January 15, 1998
October 31, 2015
December 14, 1996
October 25, 1959