Henry Jekyll is a young science student who, along with his friend Mary, experiments with various drugs and compounds in order to create a personality-enhancing drug that he believes will turn him into the successful and popular person he so craves to be. But after testing the drug on Mary and himself, Jekyll discovers it has horrific consequences - ones that he might not be able to control.
Release Date: May 05, 2006
September 30, 2004
June 12, 2008
April 09, 1999
July 23, 2020
December 13, 1987
July 28, 2004
February 21, 2000
July 18, 2003
December 31, 1998
October 31, 2001
May 16, 1978
September 23, 2005
May 16, 2009
January 23, 2009
August 17, 2015
June 09, 2001
February 08, 2014
October 26, 2006
February 21, 1992
April 30, 1975