After graduating high school, Hiromi moves from the coastal town of Niigata to Tokyo in the hopes of becoming a famous actress. Her dream seemingly comes true as a manager scouts her off the street. He recruits her as a model but it's actually to be a "nude" model. It's not exactly what Hiromi was looking for, but she can't turn down the opportunity. As her career dwindles, the manager coerces her to make the jump to AV and Hiromi gains a new identity as Mihiro.
Release Date: September 18, 2010
December 08, 1995
April 26, 1996
April 12, 1975
March 19, 1975
July 16, 1988
November 01, 1981
September 09, 1970
April 23, 1982
October 11, 1957
September 20, 1991
May 01, 1973
December 27, 1991
March 29, 1991
March 01, 1985
June 01, 1984
March 01, 1982
September 01, 1982
December 01, 1983
March 01, 1984
December 20, 2006