Set in the 22nd century, when a battered salvage ship sends out a distress signal, the seasoned crew of the rescue hospital ship Nova-17 responds. What they find is a black hole--that threatens to destroy both ships--and a mysterious survivor whose body quickly mutates into a monstrous and deadly form.
Release Date: January 14, 2000
October 13, 1995
November 22, 1996
December 11, 1998
December 13, 2002
December 07, 1979
February 06, 1927
August 20, 2008
March 16, 2006
July 02, 2001
May 10, 1991
May 25, 1960
March 04, 2002
April 03, 1998
August 25, 1989
October 29, 1966
February 17, 1995
January 17, 1992
January 24, 1997
November 10, 2000
March 06, 1956