Part three of the Emialia animation series. Emma, Emilia and Elvira are three little aunts whose only job is to be old. But they want to do important things. "Children are important," they exclaim at the same time. And then they are just as busy as other people.
Release Date: December 28, 1978
June 30, 1940
October 16, 2009
December 21, 1970
October 20, 1987
January 02, 1965
December 29, 1978
December 26, 1978
December 29, 1978
December 30, 1978
December 25, 1978
September 28, 2009
January 01, 2011
July 01, 2004
October 16, 2015
April 15, 2016
September 03, 2021
March 07, 2020
October 26, 2001
October 06, 2017
August 15, 2021