Drama set in the historical Warring States Era of Japan. Tokaido name Imagawa Yoshimoto personally led his army to invade Owari Province territory, now in Aichi Prefecture Nagoya City area, was the leader Nobunaga of this surprising burst of death. After the war, the Imagawa clan who originally dominated the Tokaido region fell away, and the victorious Oda Nobunaga quickly expanded his power in Central Japan and the Kinki region, laying the foundation for his future control of the central government of Japan.
Release Date: March 26, 2021
August 09, 1959
September 06, 2003
August 26, 1950
June 15, 1954
November 12, 2021
December 28, 1944
May 05, 1951
April 01, 1994
May 20, 2017
October 31, 2015
October 25, 1959
December 05, 2003
July 14, 1937
June 07, 1955
October 08, 1957
March 25, 1958
January 26, 1964
November 05, 1958
December 06, 1960
July 20, 1960