A Monty Pythonesque tale of a band of Crusaders who find themselves in possession of an alien ship and the alien to pilot it. Armed with the means to conquer the Holy Land, the naive Crusaders set off on a grand crusade, only to find themselves not in Jerusalem, but at the mercy of an entire alien world.
Release Date: June 02, 1994
June 29, 2001
October 07, 1962
November 18, 1959
July 18, 1986
June 26, 1979
March 14, 1975
October 31, 1992
May 25, 1979
August 12, 2004
June 08, 1999
June 01, 1955
December 14, 1977
December 14, 1984
April 03, 1980
June 19, 1998
July 25, 2001
February 07, 1968
October 07, 2023
May 22, 1992
November 12, 1997