When Geoff, an orphaned stable boy (Chris Masterson), discovers Drake (voice of Robby Benson), the world's last living dragon, he realizes that his dream of becoming a knight in shining armor can now come true. Together, they soon face challenges that turn them into heroes. But caught up in the excitement of their new lives, Geoff and Drake fail to see the hidden dangers that surround them.
Release Date: August 08, 2000
June 21, 1989
December 14, 1984
July 03, 1991
July 02, 2003
June 25, 2006
May 24, 1995
November 01, 2001
October 26, 1984
March 17, 2006
September 29, 1994
April 26, 2002
May 07, 2021
April 28, 1998
February 27, 2004
April 07, 2013
January 01, 2002
February 08, 2005
April 16, 1999
March 30, 1990
May 23, 1984