A new batch of recruits arrives at Police Academy, this time a group of civilian volunteers who have joined Commandant Lassard's new Citizens on Patrol program. Although the community relations project has strong governmental support, a disgusted Captain Harris is determined to see it fail.
Release Date: April 02, 1987
October 30, 2020
February 13, 1932
February 07, 2022
June 03, 2004
March 28, 1985
October 27, 1995
March 25, 1983
March 08, 1973
December 08, 1965
November 04, 1964
March 16, 1967
December 27, 2000
December 28, 1956
March 14, 2002
September 13, 1993
October 31, 2001
August 15, 1997
October 12, 2007
March 10, 2005
August 30, 1996