Haruki Michikawa is a female lolicon manga artist who is currently gaining popularity under the pen name Minamino Vibe. She is popular not only among readers, but also liked, or even targeted, by editorial production staff. This is because while Haruki draws extreme erotic manga, she is still rumored to be a virgin. Then Haruki receives a request from her editor, Kitayama, to create a manga covering her molester experience. The ending of the molestation experience coverage on a crowded train... A lecherous editor also appears among the perverted staff, and what will happen to Minamino Vibrator's virginity?
Release Date: November 04, 1988
December 27, 2013
February 07, 1992
April 18, 1997
April 24, 1992
September 01, 1988
October 19, 1990
January 01, 1987
January 01, 1986
April 23, 1982
December 27, 1985
August 24, 2002
July 14, 2017
August 07, 1981
August 20, 1977
September 22, 2016
July 28, 2016
September 19, 1993
July 28, 1999
February 05, 1982
January 01, 2018