Two travelers stop over in a small village named Santana. Unbeknownst to them, Santana is a village where, once a year, Satan comes to Earth to claim souls, and they just happened to enter the village on that day.
Release Date: October 24, 1988
October 26, 2001
June 10, 1988
October 31, 1999
May 30, 1990
July 14, 2007
August 25, 1999
March 06, 1987
October 29, 1979
December 04, 1978
April 09, 1966
January 01, 1995
January 01, 1995
January 01, 1991
July 10, 2006
October 01, 2017
March 10, 2023
January 02, 2025
September 14, 1990
December 17, 2015
August 27, 1993