This action drama centers on a former CIA operative who grudgingly rejoins the spy game due to the machinations of his one-time student - a screw up who goes to work for the Soviets. As his job drags him deeper into a dangerous and under-handed world, the student wants out of the agency and oout of the U.S.S.R. But the man's choices have made him a target and now both the United States and Russia want him dead, sending their mos able hit men to do it.
Release Date: May 01, 1976
December 11, 1981
March 12, 2004
April 25, 2006
April 26, 2019
August 03, 1994
April 08, 1988
September 05, 2006
Invalid Date
December 30, 2003
October 06, 1995
July 27, 2006
July 01, 2008
October 14, 1983
May 31, 2002
September 23, 1994
January 31, 2003
March 07, 2019
August 03, 2007
June 07, 2002
May 22, 1996