An undercover police officer named Rock Keats befriends a drug dealer and car thief named Archie Moses in a bid to catch the villainous drug lord Frank Coltan. But the only problem is that Keats is a cop, his real name is Jack Carter, and he is working undercover with the LAPD to bust Moses and Colton at a sting operation the LAPD has set up.
Release Date: September 06, 1996
March 22, 2019
July 20, 1996
March 24, 2024
April 11, 2014
January 31, 2023
June 24, 1981
March 09, 1994
June 27, 1997
March 16, 1960
June 10, 2005
March 08, 1996
September 23, 1994
October 13, 1995
May 21, 2003
February 12, 2002
September 09, 1993
September 02, 2004
August 26, 1999
March 30, 2005
May 05, 1995