This film concerns a writer of mystery stories who bases his villain on a criminal, played by Malcolm McDowell, who is incarcerated in prison. Escaping prison after his apparent death in a fire, the criminal plans to revenge himself on the writer (Roger Moore) for 'stealing his personality', and proceeds to carry out a set of murders based around the novels. Moore is unable to convince the authorities of the true murderer and, alerted by an avid fan (Nancy Allen) who has psychic powers, seeks to trap McDowell into giving himself away.
Release Date: April 22, 1994
April 25, 1979
May 21, 2003
May 18, 2001
October 25, 1984
January 01, 1983
February 02, 2000
December 26, 2022
October 01, 2015
September 17, 1976
October 22, 2004
May 07, 2014
May 11, 2001
June 09, 1995
November 10, 2010
April 12, 2006
February 12, 2006
November 28, 2007
November 22, 1974
June 01, 2018
October 05, 2005