Shigeo Tokioka (Tetsu Watanabe), a lonely man who has lost his wife, sees a three-line ad for a club in the newspaper that reads, "Tea drinking friends wanted". Mana Sasaki (Rei Okamoto) along with a group of youngsters runs the club, which is actually a prostitution business specializing in arranging appointments for call girls who are over sixty-five years old. A socially-conscious ensemble drama inspired by the news of an actual 2013 prostitution club bust involving the elderly. Directed and written by Sotoyama Bunji, who made his feature film debut with Sansan.
Release Date: February 04, 2023
October 13, 1995
September 17, 2003
July 16, 1999
October 03, 2019
October 10, 1997
June 29, 2001
May 24, 1967
November 24, 1968
March 12, 1999
July 05, 1996
June 21, 2000
June 13, 1986
February 09, 1986
June 10, 1996
October 28, 1988
May 16, 2005
April 22, 2000
August 31, 1994
July 24, 2002
October 07, 1960