Canary is a heartwarming tale about a small bakery in the beautiful coastal town of Cornwall. The bakery, run by a young couple named Lily and Jack, is a staple in the community, known for its delicious pastries and friendly atmosphere. However, when a large chain bakery moves in next door and threatens to put the couple out of business, Lily and Jack must fight to save their beloved bakery
Release Date: Invalid Date
January 30, 2022
July 21, 2017
December 11, 1980
April 09, 1996
September 01, 2007
February 04, 2010
March 31, 2006
May 13, 2005
July 30, 1999
December 21, 1995
March 02, 2007
October 07, 1987
October 03, 1955
February 17, 1983
December 04, 1950
June 19, 2008
January 02, 2004
December 04, 2002
January 29, 2004
April 29, 1988