Henry Howard, an ambitious young scientist struggles to develop a super human serum designed to improve muscle mass and prolong life expectancy. His boss, the grumpy General Darwin, will not allow Hank to marry his daughter, Hannah, until the experiment is a success. Against Darwin's wishes Hank proposes to Hannah anyway, but his life is shattered by a mugger who steals his engagement ring. Dejected, Hank injects himself with the experimental serum and is transformed into the Amazing Bulk. The Bulk goes on a rampage through the city destroying everything in his path. Hank is caught by a relentless detective, imprisoned by Darwin and forced to battle the sadistic Dr. Kantlove, who threatens to blow up the moon with his arsenal of weapons.
Release Date: April 17, 2012
March 26, 2004
April 18, 2014
November 19, 2020
May 03, 1990
December 16, 1996
February 20, 1961
October 16, 1964
October 06, 2000
October 30, 1981
February 16, 1990
January 14, 2010
August 04, 1978
June 04, 2003
December 13, 2016
March 15, 1984
January 13, 2022
August 22, 1987
December 07, 1988
January 10, 1992
April 27, 2007