Two orphans named Jory and Tess live with their grandparents. However, their cousins Bart and Bertha try to take them away because the two kids have trust funds from their dead parents. When Bart and Bertha kidnap the newborn puppies, Rusty the dog decides to save them.
Release Date: September 22, 1998
August 01, 1997
September 16, 2001
February 10, 2017
May 15, 1947
June 30, 1913
September 19, 2019
January 23, 1992
March 25, 2024
April 09, 1986
May 23, 1941
January 10, 2017
October 21, 1937
February 02, 2009
December 25, 2008
May 08, 1987
December 16, 2005
January 31, 2018
June 27, 1986
May 06, 1985
March 02, 2003