A love story centered on the lives of three young German soldiers in the years following World War I. Their close friendship is strengthened by their shared love for the same woman who is dying of tuberculosis.
Release Date: June 02, 1938
January 15, 1943
April 28, 1998
January 01, 2002
December 25, 1997
June 17, 1985
April 29, 1930
May 19, 1936
April 28, 2000
June 28, 1985
April 05, 1978
August 03, 1994
December 22, 1999
October 12, 1934
August 19, 1997
December 23, 1994
October 22, 2007
May 11, 1984
January 25, 1963
May 10, 1989
November 26, 2014