Set between a numbing, malodorous factory and the demi-monde of nocturnal Tangier, two street-smart young women work tirelessly to move on with their lives. By day the fast-talking, live-wire Badia and her quiet friend Imane peel shrimp in a factory; by night, they hit the seaside hotels, turn tricks and steal small objects from their clients to pawn. One night they meet two pretty girls their own age who work in the Free Zone of Tangier, a heavily guarded, European-style industrial area. The determined Badia hates peeling shrimps and sees the two new girlfriends, who are slightly better off, as a springboard.
Release Date: May 19, 2011
June 28, 2000
February 29, 2020
September 12, 2007
June 07, 2002
December 21, 1994
July 19, 1995
September 12, 1979
June 14, 2017
February 14, 2003
July 08, 1996
October 08, 2012
December 10, 2003
September 14, 2016
April 18, 1920
November 27, 1931
December 24, 2004
February 12, 2005
September 11, 2005
August 11, 2006
June 03, 2005