Gumdrop is a short film noir/horror that delves into the psyche of Sampson, a secretive weapon dealer for a crime syndicate. Haunted by his past traumas, he struggles to maintain his sanity as he receives a rogue order that puts him in danger. Directed by JZ Murdock, with music by Andrea Fioravanti and Alex Dewell, this film has won 16 international awards, including Best Noir, Best Horror, and Outstanding Achievement in Transgressive Cinema and Culture (TCCC) - a category that honors films that defy the mainstream and challenge the status quo like: Eraserhead, Pink Flamingos, El Topo, and The Rocky Horror Picture Show. For more on Sampson's story, read the true-crime short horror story, "Gumdrop City" (2012) by JZ Murdock.
Release Date: February 06, 2020
April 23, 2001
July 02, 1946
August 02, 1946
September 13, 1956
September 29, 1948
June 19, 1956
May 29, 1947
October 24, 1951
January 01, 1970
November 11, 1952
April 09, 1946
January 07, 1943
July 26, 1940
May 12, 1950
February 08, 1936
May 17, 1950
December 25, 1945
December 31, 1946
November 30, 1945
March 04, 1948