The story takes place at a summer theater in the Berkshire Mountains, where heroine Joan Barry (Carol Bruce) is staging a Broadway-bound musical comedy. Only one problem: two guest stars are shot and killed on two successive evenings, right in front of the audience. Hoping to solve the mystery, detective William Demarest demands that everyone -- actors and theatergoers alike -- return the following weekend to restage the show. But with no major performer willing to assume the fatal guest-star slot, Joan is forced to hire the Three Jolly Jesters (Al, Harry and Jimmy Ritz), Manhattan washroom attendants with showbiz aspirations.
Release Date: December 04, 1942
September 07, 1984
September 09, 2008
January 01, 1989
August 28, 1936
June 30, 1946
January 07, 2017
November 01, 2005
July 19, 2004
January 04, 1973
July 07, 2009
May 03, 1963
December 31, 2016
June 05, 1936
April 20, 1940
December 13, 2016
October 13, 2006
October 12, 2004
December 21, 1987
June 06, 1990
June 26, 2008