Episodic film that follows a theater troupe from France attempting to put on a play in Sarajevo. Along their journey they are captured and held in a POW camp, and they call for help from their friends and relations in France.
Release Date: November 27, 1996
September 06, 1961
April 11, 1962
June 10, 1959
June 06, 1958
June 03, 1959
September 04, 1968
June 22, 1962
January 24, 1979
June 24, 2017
September 20, 1962
February 26, 1970
January 23, 1962
August 30, 1967
May 24, 1973
August 10, 1983
November 05, 1965
September 01, 1972
September 30, 1981
April 28, 1972
May 05, 1965