Following the success of their eponymous debut in 1992, Blind Melon succumbed to the familiar tale of falling into the debauchery which comes hand in hand with rock ‘n’ roll riches. Their set on the main stage on day two at Woodstock '94 would mark the band at the peak of their powers as they delivered a performance that would have even stood out in ’69. For the exhilarating set, frontman Shannon Hoon opted to wear his girlfriend’s white dress which was quite the statement back in ’94, a time when society was no way near as progressive as it is today and signified the sort of accepting character that he was.
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February 01, 2016
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December 18, 1996
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January 01, 1984
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May 17, 1967
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November 21, 2006
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September 18, 2003
December 28, 2018
February 20, 2019
September 15, 2004