A2 is a continuation of director Tatsuya Mori's film A (1998), an incredible view inside the compound of Japan's Aum Shinrikyo cult after its leaders carried out the deadly sarin gas attacks on the Tokyo subway in 1995. Most followers had no idea that the attacks were being planned, or even that their new religion had violent aspirations. After the attacks, these followers were left to rebuild the religion where they had once found peace in the face of overwhelming, and understandable, condemnation from the rest of Japan. Central focus is placed on Hiroshi Araki, a young man who finds himself elevated to chief spokesman for Aum after its leaders are arrested. Araki faces extreme hostility from the Japanese public, who find it hard to believe that most followers of the cult had no idea of the attacks and even harder to understand why these followers remain devoted to the religion, if not the violence.
Release Date: October 03, 2001
February 28, 2008
September 09, 1998
March 20, 2021
May 19, 2007
October 01, 1988
October 31, 2016
January 10, 2016
December 24, 1989
June 23, 1967
May 05, 2011
December 01, 2016
December 24, 1970
January 01, 2005
October 22, 2001
October 29, 2020
November 01, 2020
October 09, 2020
February 22, 2022
December 31, 2003
February 04, 1961