In this fun thrilling action movie, a team of skilled criminals is hired by a private syndicate to steal a biological weapon that is being guarded by the military. The weapon has the potential to cause an apocalypse, and the team's mission is to prevent the military from using it. However, they soon find out that they have been betrayed by the syndicate's rogue agent, who has his own plans for the weapon. Will the team stop the agent and prevent the apocalypse?
Release Date: Invalid Date
March 23, 2006
May 25, 1990
November 07, 1997
December 29, 1995
June 10, 2022
April 10, 1998
May 01, 2015
July 02, 2001
August 24, 1966
August 19, 1997
February 18, 2016
August 01, 1990
September 08, 2002
February 09, 1996
June 21, 1996
August 15, 1997
June 28, 1978
January 15, 2008
December 06, 2002
June 13, 2007