Inspired by a real-life history comes the feat of a small group, led by their manager, Cesar Faz, that achieved what no other Mexican team in Little League World Series had achieved before. This film recreates the miracle of the small Monterrey sports baseball team, champions of 1957, which were no longer unknown, facing adversity, the climate, the socio-economic differnces and internationally renowned rivals to finish conquering the unimaginable: the White House. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in 2007.
Release Date: June 09, 1960
September 23, 1969
February 18, 1970
November 09, 1950
December 21, 1968
October 10, 1958
February 01, 1944
May 04, 1945
April 26, 1999
October 01, 1944
January 31, 1914
January 01, 1966
January 01, 1974
January 01, 1972
January 29, 1949
October 24, 1986
August 13, 1965
February 03, 1946
February 05, 1951
December 21, 1943
January 01, 1953