Gypo is the story of a working class family in Margate, Kent, a town where immigrants have become the focus of most of the public's discontent. The film tells the story of the a couple of weeks in this family's life, beginning when a young Czech girl, Tash, comes to visit. The film is made in the Dogme95 tradition, so no costumes, no lighting, no props or sets, which gives the film a gritty texture appropriate to the story.
Release Date: August 24, 2005
January 20, 2022
February 15, 2017
February 16, 2017
October 07, 2016
December 23, 2006
October 13, 1995
October 01, 1985
June 19, 1998
May 24, 1995
September 02, 1999
December 08, 1989
September 09, 1970
November 14, 2013
April 23, 2003
June 06, 1934
September 06, 2002
December 07, 2000
March 12, 1999
December 15, 2005
March 07, 2003