This documentary, filmed entirely by military photographers, recounts the U.S. Navy's 1946-47 expedition to Antarctica, known as Operation High Jump. The expedition was under the overall command of Admiral Richard E. Byrd, no stranger to the Antarctic. This was a large undertaking involving 13 ships and over 4000 thousand men. The fleet departed from Norfolk, Virginia traveling through the Panama canal and then southward to their final destination. The trip through the ice pack was fraught with danger and forced the submarine that was part of the fleet to withdraw. The trip was a success meeting all of its scientific goals.
Release Date: October 22, 1948
January 27, 2017
January 28, 2017
February 26, 2020
February 10, 2021
April 10, 2003
April 30, 2019
January 01, 1947
March 01, 2014
August 08, 2012
July 14, 2022
July 10, 1953
April 02, 2022
July 13, 2014
December 31, 2022
September 02, 2000
November 25, 2020
May 16, 2010
April 15, 2002
May 28, 2019
January 01, 2012