During a summer of friendship and adventure, one boy becomes a part of the gang, nine boys become a team and their leader becomes a legend by confronting the terrifying mystery beyond the right field wall.
Release Date: April 07, 1993
June 15, 1988
January 23, 1948
November 29, 2013
October 01, 1993
April 06, 1934
July 01, 2005
June 23, 2006
June 16, 2006
December 13, 1996
December 25, 1998
April 28, 1989
February 16, 2000
August 11, 2000
February 14, 1967
February 11, 2005
March 26, 2009
November 13, 1976
November 29, 2019
January 01, 1960
Invalid Date