Inside the idyllic community of Smallville, the intertwined destinies of Clark Kent, Lana Lang, and Lex Luthor begin to take shape while an imminent danger emerges: a high-school prank has spawned a vengeful villain who has acquired super powers of his own. (This standalone version of the series pilot combines footage with the second episode, newly formatted in 1.78 widescreen, and has an alternate closing produced for the Canadian DVD market.)
Release Date: June 25, 2002
June 21, 1989
June 10, 2005
December 11, 1998
May 21, 2008
September 02, 1999
May 01, 2002
June 25, 2004
May 01, 2007
February 08, 2005
June 12, 1987
January 19, 2001
October 10, 2018
June 08, 2019
September 23, 2005
June 13, 2005
December 13, 1996
January 11, 2019
May 18, 2019
Invalid Date
October 07, 2023