The plot follows a private detective, an ex communist and former CIA agent, who travels from Barcelona to Madrid to discover the identity of the assassin of the leader of the Spanish Communist party who was stabbed during a blackout while presiding over a meeting of the party's central committee. The film is a thriller with ironic political overtones.
Release Date: August 16, 1982
April 09, 1996
April 19, 1946
September 25, 2009
February 04, 2010
March 04, 2010
July 21, 1971
October 15, 2000
November 26, 2014
June 22, 1998
March 11, 2021
June 01, 1947
August 02, 1970
December 18, 1976
November 19, 1982
May 17, 1974
September 06, 1991
December 19, 1975
August 26, 1988
January 04, 1973
October 03, 1996