Jean, a young French hooligan, is sent on a forced vacation to his grandfather Evald, who lives in the Slovenian countryside. Despite Evald's warm welcome, Jean remains quite withdrawn, speaks only French with his grandfather, and coldly rejects his lifestyle, which is mainly devoted to tending the orchard and selling apples on the local road. While they struggle to get used to life together, frost is slowly approaching Evald's orchard.
Release Date: December 01, 2022
December 06, 2008
June 10, 1977
April 18, 1997
June 29, 1988
November 10, 2004
April 17, 2008
August 31, 2007
December 28, 1970
July 17, 1968
December 31, 2000
December 11, 1967
November 07, 2007
October 13, 2018
April 14, 1976
April 28, 2022
July 27, 2016
December 16, 1961
April 15, 2005
July 28, 1995
July 15, 2007