The movie portrays the story of an Italian family emigrated in Germany in the 1970s. Romano (Gigi Savoia), the father, decides to open a pizzeria which, by mutual decision with the wife Rosa (Antonella Attili), will call Solino, leaving his sons Gigi and Giancarlo to work there. A hostile relationship comes to life between the father and his sons, which will end up in the escape of the boys from family.
Release Date: September 23, 2002
October 29, 1963
December 31, 2001
March 08, 1996
September 19, 1984
August 01, 1991
October 09, 1992
April 10, 1955
September 10, 1999
December 01, 1972
November 01, 2001
August 21, 1987
December 09, 1983
July 01, 1998
December 21, 1988
December 18, 1985
October 11, 2002
October 26, 2007
November 28, 1993
December 14, 1990
August 21, 2002