The world of Eternia in the aftermath of Skeletor's war on Castle Grayskull, which he has won after seizing Grayskull and the surrounding city using a cosmic key developed by the locksmith Gwildor. The Sorceress is now Skeletor's prisoner and he begins to drain her life-force as he waits for the moon of Eternia to align with the Great Eye of the Universe that will bestow god-like power upon him.
Release Date: August 07, 1987
March 28, 1983
June 23, 1965
April 11, 1990
July 27, 2007
April 08, 2005
March 09, 2003
April 16, 2019
July 18, 1973
February 14, 2024
August 03, 2013
October 02, 2016
November 23, 1963
September 19, 2019
March 13, 2007
November 10, 1988
October 04, 1997
November 30, 2016
May 01, 1999
October 18, 2005
December 04, 1985