After talking to an AI online, our protagonist, Mayne, is receiving strange phone calls from an unknown person. Soon he will have to face heavy threats, and get engaged into an action packed adventure to save humanity from evil forces.
Release Date: September 02, 2023
May 19, 2007
July 02, 2003
October 26, 1984
July 15, 1988
December 05, 1984
May 18, 1987
July 09, 1982
June 12, 1987
July 06, 2000
July 06, 2006
April 15, 2004
March 12, 1998
August 13, 1998
November 18, 1995
April 18, 2002
July 16, 1998
July 07, 1995
August 04, 2000
February 10, 1996
February 11, 1988