The neo-noir thriller EARLY BIRDS tells the story of the two wildly different women Annika and Caro, who become embroiled in a web of unpredictable events following a night out on the town. As the two flee together from the police, drug dealers and themselves, they're confronted by the collision of two worlds: their personal freedom and unrelenting violence.
Release Date: October 12, 2023
August 09, 2002
August 03, 2001
July 29, 1998
February 12, 1988
June 28, 2005
July 27, 2006
September 06, 2004
September 25, 1998
November 03, 2006
January 01, 2021
April 26, 1996
March 28, 1975
February 16, 1996
October 24, 2001
July 04, 1992
September 13, 2007
September 22, 1994
September 25, 1987
September 02, 2005
February 26, 1969