In the enchanting streets of Barcelona, a despondent movie director crosses paths with a gritty low-life gangster. Their fateful encounter sparks the birth of extraordinary alter egos, drawn straight from the depths of their dreams. Together, they embark on a mesmerizing journey that will push the boundaries of their lives to a point of no return.
Release Date: October 05, 2014
December 21, 2020
May 31, 1968
April 17, 1970
April 16, 1915
May 26, 1968
March 26, 1967
April 23, 1915
August 20, 1941
January 28, 1949
September 01, 2019
February 06, 2022
November 01, 1995
November 11, 2004
March 24, 1995
June 01, 1992
January 01, 1962
September 13, 1954
December 27, 1965
October 23, 2013
March 07, 1997