Lord Raider and an endearing little robot companion reside in the far-off realm of Planet Carrotland. As fate would have it, a cosmic spark from the radiant Pulsar star strikes the robot just as he becomes smitten with Princess Mimi, a charming pink bunny. However, their newfound love faces a significant obstacle when the king decrees a grand tournament in the kingdom, intent on determining who shall earn the honor of marrying the Princess.
Release Date: December 22, 1983
March 21, 2018
April 17, 2023
October 07, 2022
March 26, 1986
October 10, 1986
August 23, 2018
June 27, 1964
March 10, 2017
November 14, 1964
April 20, 1996
December 12, 2006
February 28, 1999
April 19, 2014
July 20, 2002
March 16, 1973
September 15, 2005
January 05, 2007
June 22, 1990
December 20, 1970
September 17, 2004