The film follows Jack Hopkins, an aircraft designer with a passion for traction engines. His boss is eager to sell a new supersonic jet plane that Jack has designed to American millionaire Paul Fisher. The first encounter between Fisher and Jack goes badly, and tensions only heighten after Fisher's daughter Kathy damages Jack's prize traction engine "The Iron Maiden", rendering it impossible to drive solo. Jack is desperate to enter the annual Woburn Abbey steam rally with the machine, but his fireman is injured and unable to participate. When all seems lost the millionaire himself is won over by Jack's plight and joins him in driving the engine; the two soon become firm friends.
Release Date: June 07, 1963
September 13, 1988
March 09, 1999
August 26, 1994
January 29, 1988
February 24, 2006
November 12, 1963
September 13, 1940
November 26, 1953
October 10, 1995
November 04, 1986
June 10, 1895
October 26, 2017
December 18, 1942
July 24, 1931
July 17, 1969
February 09, 1935
November 27, 1945
May 14, 1938
September 16, 2003
January 01, 2010