Director Peter Godfrey's 1950 drama, inspired by true events, dramatizes the crime spree of the notorious jewel thief known as "The Hollywood Raffles", whose famous robbery victims included such real-life celebrities as Joan Crawford, Errol Flynn, Alexis Smith and Dennis Morgan. David Brian stars in the title role, and he's supported by John Archer, Marjorie Reynolds, Jacqueline de Wit, Alix Talton, Ned Glass, Perdita Chandler and columnist Sheilah Graham, playing herself.
Release Date: July 15, 1950
March 16, 1954
November 25, 1947
June 27, 1997
September 23, 1994
January 15, 1943
June 27, 1951
January 02, 2016
May 05, 1965
January 31, 2008
August 05, 1963
April 28, 2023
October 06, 2016
December 14, 1944
October 20, 1945
December 24, 1947
April 25, 1946
November 16, 1954
May 30, 2003
June 01, 1956
January 30, 1998