Beginning in South Africa under the apartheid regime, the film follows a young girl who flees the country after a violent confrontation with a local white landowner in which her father is killed. She settles in Abidjan, where, ten years later, she has become a university student. As part of her studies, she visits the Taureg tribe on the edge of the Sahara before at last returning to post-Apartheid South Africa.
Release Date: January 01, 1995
February 22, 1930
December 17, 2014
May 05, 2000
May 25, 2007
January 22, 1964
May 29, 2020
August 14, 2014
June 27, 2001
September 07, 2004
June 10, 2007
September 23, 1988
August 02, 1996
April 13, 2005
September 02, 2021
January 17, 2007
March 27, 1992
December 31, 2023
May 20, 2005
December 14, 2001
October 08, 1952